This episode is introduced by the late Don Younger, an icon credited as the first Publican bringing Craft brewed beer to the public through his historic Horse Brass Pub.
I the late Jim Parker’s interview he discusses plans that he had to open the award-winning Green Dragon. Jim is another industry icon that played a role in the opening of more breweries and pubs than I could list here.
Ninkasi’s Co-Founder and brewmaster can be heard hinting at a new brew.
Don is pictured above at the Horse Brass Pub with author Fred Eckhardt and Sierra Nevada’s founder Ken Grossman.
Recorded and originally posted on August 25, 2007, with this description:
This episode had music! It was so much fun putting together too even though I’m in between Microbrew fests, the beer still flowed freely. . You’ll hear Jamie Floyd, Brewmaster/Partner at Ninkasi Brewing Company at a brewer’s wedding giving us an update on new and seasonal beers to look for and what’s behind some of the names of their beers – fascinating. We are working on a way to make their T-shirts available thru the Craft Brew Cast. I’ve also got a GREAT interview with Jim Parker about the soon-to-be-open Green Dragon Bistro and Brewpub in SW Portland Oregon. Jim’s a very entertaining guy, and a natural at this interview stuff. They have some ingenious plans for the Green Dragon that I think will put them on the map. Another topic included is “the care and feeding of vintage collections which describes a vertical tasting and how to put one together. Have a shortage of selection in your area? And as always, events thru September and news tidbits.